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3 Easy Things to Teach your NEW PUPPY!

### 3 Easy Things to Teach Your New Puppy

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting time full of cuddles and playful moments. But it’s also a crucial period for training, as the habits and behaviors you instill now will last a lifetime. Training your puppy not only aids in their development but also strengthens your bond. Here are three easy things you can start teaching your new furry friend right away.

#### 1. **Name Recognition**

One of the first and most important things to teach a new puppy is to respond to their name. This forms the foundation for all future training by ensuring your puppy knows when you are specifically addressing them.

**How to Teach It:**
– Start in a quiet environment to avoid distractions.
– Say their name in a clear, upbeat tone. When they look at you, immediately reward them with a small treat or affection.
– Repeat this multiple times throughout the day.
– Gradually increase distractions as they become more consistent in responding.

Name recognition is simple but critical for gaining your puppy’s attention in subsequent training sessions and everyday situations.

#### 2. **Basic Commands: Sit, Stay, Come**

Basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” are essential for every dog’s safety and are fundamental for further obedience training.

**How to Teach “Sit”:**
– Hold a treat close to your puppy’s nose.
– Slowly move the treat up, allowing their head to follow the treat and causing their bottom to lower.
– Once they’re in sitting position, say “sit,” give them the treat, and share some verbal praise.

**How to Teach “Stay”:**
– Ask your puppy to sit.
– Open your palm in front of you, say “stay,” and take a few steps back.
– If they stay, reward them with a treat after a few seconds.
– Gradually increase the duration and distance over time.

**How to Teach “Come”:**
– Start in a quiet room without distractions.
– Crouch down at their level and say “come” while gently pulling on their leash toward you.
– When they come to you, reward them with lots of praise and treats.

These commands not only help manage behavior but also ensure that you can keep your puppy safe from harm.

#### 3. **Toilet Training**

Housebreaking or toilet training is typically top on the list for any new puppy owner. Consistency is key here; puppies thrive on routine.

**How to Teach It:**
– Establish designated toilet areas outdoors from day one.
– Immediately after waking up
– After meals or drinking
– After playing
– Before bedtime
– Every couple of hours initially

Be patient but consistent about taking them out at these times. When they do go potty outside, immediately reward them with treats and praise making sure they know that they’ve done something good.

Toilet training involves vigilance and patience. If accidents happen —and they likely will— avoid punishment; instead reinforce positive outcomes when they get it right.

### Final Thoughts

Training a new puppy requires patience, consistency, commitment—and most importantly—love! By focusing on these three basic elements from the start, you’ll be setting up yourself and your furry friend for many happy years together. Remember always be positive during training sessions; this should be fun engaging time for both of amnd keep sessions short enough so it stays exciting for him/her!

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