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Dog Separation Anxiety And It’s Management

Separation anxiety isn’t a common condition but some dogs have it. For dogs suffering from this condition, proper management and therapy are important.
When left unaddressed, separation anxiety results in behavioral problems such as excessive barking
aggression, and habitual chewing.

Learn how to manage separation anxiety if you love your pet. In this article, I will present the best methods for separation anxiety management that you can do even without the help of a professional.

Dog Training For Managing Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety isn’t an incurable condition. Your pet can live or overcome it with the right training.
Training your pet to deal with separation anxiety begins with observing how long you can leave it alone. On average, dogs with separation anxiety can only be left alone for 5 minutes.

Training starts by leaving your dog in a spot where he is very comfortable. For the first sessions, remember not to leave your dog longer than the time that he can stand being left alone
Upon returning, try to observe for signs of uneasiness such as drooling, excessive barking, etc.
Furthermore, pet the dog and give it a treat.

You can also opt to leave the dog with its favorite toy during the training. The toy will be helpful because it will provide the dog with a sense of security.
Ideal toys are those which make noises or those that the dog can make an active interaction with.

As the training progresses, try to increase the duration of your absence in two-minute intervals. Doing so will help your dog deal with the feeling of being left alone in longer periods than what it’s used to.

Remember that this training doesn’t treat separation anxiety immediately. You might have to do this for months to see effects.

Consider Getting A Second Pet

A companion might be what your pet needs to manage its separation anxiety. Having another pet that your dog can spend time with will make it forget that it’s alone.
Of course, the second pet that you should get is one that’s very sociable and friendly.

If you don’t want to get a second pet, you can also opt to leave your dog in a dog daycare center. Preferably, you have to choose a daycare center that offers therapy sessions for dogs with separation anxiety. The reason for this is simple, Instead of you, the personnel working at the daycare center will fix your pet’s separation anxiety instead.

For More In-depth Information On How To Train Your Dog Or Puppy Visit Here Now

5 Free Dog Training Videos

Other Ways of Managing Separation Anxiety of Your Pet

Here are other ways of managing the separation anxiety of your pet.
Ask someone to look after your dog for you.
Installing a dog house outside and putting your dog inside when you leave-
taking regular outdoor trips with your pet


Separation anxiety is a condition that explains some of your pet’s unruly behaviors. That said, you should try managing it so that your pet lives more comfortably
Try the methods that I discussed here. If you don’t have
the time to do it yourself, then professional aid will do. Separation anxiety isn’t good. It doesn’t only hinder your pet but you as well.

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