Learn How To Manage An Overexcited Dog

We all love to see our furry companions happy and excited, but when that excitement crosses the line into overstimulation, it can be challenging to calm them down. Whether it’s triggered by visitors at the door, the anticipation of mealtime, or the sight of their favorite toy, dealing with an overexcited dog requires patience and understanding. Here are some tips to help calm your furry friend when they’re feeling a bit too wound up:

1. Remain Calm:

Dogs are highly attuned to our emotions, so staying calm and composed yourself can help to reassure your dog and prevent the escalation of their excitement.

2. Redirect their Focus:

Offering a favorite toy or engaging them in a simple training session can redirect your dog’s attention away from whatever is causing their excitement and help them to calm down.

3. Use Positive Reinforcement:

Rewarding calm behavior with treats or praise can help reinforce the desired response and encourage your dog to remain composed in similar situations in the future.

4. Establish a Routine:

Consistency and routine can help to minimize triggers for overexcitement and provide your dog with a sense of security and predictability.

5. Provide Physical and Mental Stimulation:

Regular exercise and mental stimulation are essential for preventing boredom and excess energy, which can contribute to overexcitement. Ensure your dog gets plenty of opportunities to exercise both their body and mind.

6. Practice Relaxation Techniques:

Teaching your dog relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or settling on a mat can help them learn to self-soothe and remain calm in stimulating situations.

7. Avoid Reinforcing Excitement:

Be mindful not to inadvertently reinforce your dog’s overexcitement by rewarding or encouraging the behavior. Instead, focus on reinforcing calm behavior and ignoring or redirecting overly excited behavior.

8. Consider Professional Help:

If your dog’s overexcitement is persistent or severe, consider seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who can provide tailored strategies and support.

By implementing these tips and techniques, you can help your overexcited dog learn to manage their emotions more effectively and enjoy a calmer, happier life.

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